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Areas of Practice



The members of our elder law firm have all been conferred the degree of “juris doctor” and we are all admitted to the Indiana Supreme Court and the United States District Court for the Southern District of Indiana. Our senior partner is admitted to the United States Supreme Court. Most importantly, we continue our education on a daily basis.


House Calls


In cases involving Medicaid planning and the preparation of Special Needs Trusts, we would rather come to you! We travel all over the state of Indiana and occasionally out of state in order to perform our work and accomplish our task efficiently.


Medicaid Planning


During the past several years, the major focus of our law firm has been to assist families who have a family member entering nursing home care. Although we provide numerous services in these situations, our 

primary mission is to protect and preserve the “life savings” of our clients and restore their peace of mind.


In those cases where one spouse enters a nursing home leaving the other spouse at home, we take immediate action to protect the financial security of the spouse who remains in the community.


Unfortunately for our senior citizens and for the disabled, our state and federal laws are changing at an accelerated pace to their detriment. Nevertheless, the members of our law firm remain alert to these 

changes and on the subject of Medicaid planning, we know the law.

Probate & Guardianship


We have been actively practicing in the area of probate and guardianship for more than 29 years. Hence, the members of our firm have considerable experience in probate and guardianship matters. Our attorney fees are never based upon the size of the estate, consequently, when we complete our task, our clients are always very satisfied.

Revocable Living Trusts


More and more people are creating revocable living trusts in order to avoid probate and simplify the administration of their estate at time of death. We draft these trusts and we take the time to make sure they are funded

Special Needs Trust


We are frequently called upon to draft both third- party special needs trusts and self-settled special needs trusts for disabled individuals. These complex instruments are implemented to protect and preserve the assets of disabled persons and to allow such individuals to remain qualified for Medicaid, Supplement Security Income and other government entitlement programs. These trusts require skilled draftsmanship and require special knowledge in the area of federal taxation, Medicaid and SSI.

Social Security


Our elder law firm is fortunate in having a member of the firm who is extremely experienced in the area of Social Security Disability. This is an area of practice where skilled attorneys are few and far between. We are pleased that we are able to assist disabled individuals who are in great need of an experienced 
attorney in this field of practice.


Wills and Testaments


Our law firm routinely prepares important legal instruments to satisfy the needs of our clients while they are putting their legal affairs in order. We do not simply pull a form out of the drawer. We give each client special attention and every document is carefully drafted to meet the special needs of each client.

© 2015 by Coffin, Coffin & Blackman

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